Diana by Diana @
Lord we come into your presence, sinners and unworthy but made righteous in your sight because of Jesus.
Father God, the star that led the Magi to the stable announced to the world that its Saviour was born. Today we live in a world that is still covered by darkness, and still needing to make that journey to the stable door. May our lives reflect your light day by day, as we seek to serve you where we are; that we might be the means through which others can encounter Jesus Christ.
We are drawn to your feet in worship with hearts laid bare by your light, humbly asking for your mercy. We come to you as a people in need of assurance and forgiveness. We come to you as a people in need of healing and wholeness. We come dependent upon your love. Draw us close to you; shelter us under your wings and fill us with your Spirit that we might reflect your light within this dark world, speak your Word with boldness and draw others to your side.
We pray for each other and we thank you for each other. Please make each one of us a living stone, building your church here; give us the desire to serve you and each other with a glad heart.
You speak to us in many ways, through rushing wind or still small voice, through the reading of Scripture’s Word or through those who bring that word to us faithfully. Let us also find ways to hear the world’s insistent voice and ways to break through the noise to proclaim the wonder of your grace that was planned long ago. Help us hear your voice above the clamour of this world, recognise the difference and follow only you.
We bring before you our friends, our families and the church family. You know what each person needs. For those who need a Saviour open their eyes, for those who need spiritual strength send your assurance, for those who need comfort send your peace.
We pray for our Nation and those having to make decisions. We pray that they will be guided in right ways. We pray for the community here in Stalham and pray that everything we do as a church we do for your glory and honour. We pray for your church around the world that it always will be a light shining in the darkness that will draw people to Jesus.
Diana by Diana @
“The essence of prayer does not consist in asking God for something but in opening our hearts to  God, in speaking with Him, and living with Him in perpetual communion. Prayer is continual abandonment to God."

(Sundar Singh ( 1989 - 1929))

We come before you Lord knowing that we are unworthy but that you have made us worthy through your Son Jesus Christ.
We thank you Lord for your goodness and mercy which will surely follow us all the days of our lives. We thank you for the all the  Good things that have happened to us this past week and where there has been sadness and pain we thank you for your overshadowing.

We bring before you Lord those who have been on our minds and hearts this week, those we have been praying for on the whatsapp  prayer group.

We also pray for our outreach:

For Janet &  Elspeth and the prayer cards and the conversations. We pray that seeds will be sown, watered and nurtured.

For the Town Hall Table and the literature that is given away and for the conversations. We pray that seeds will be sown which will bear fruit.

We pray for the Youth group, for the leaders and everyone involved. Lord we ask that you bless this work and that the young people will continue to come and that the good news of the gospel may come alive before them and touch their hearts and minds.

We pray Lord for our children and families who come to the Monday club and the pop up cafe. We remember the words of Jesus who said ‘suffer the little children to come unto me’ and unless we become like little children we will not see the kingdom of heaven.

We pray for the talking Jesus course we are about to do as a church fellowship and pray that those who attend the sessions will be encouraged in their daily walk with Jesus and in sharing the gospel message as we go about our every day work.

We pray Lord for the persecuted church and this month join with Open Doors in praying for India. We turn to your words recorded in Matthew 16:18 “I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not Overcome It”. We hold fast to that promise in the name of Jesus

Diana by Diana @
Praying for Norjam; a week long camp ( starting August 11th) which brings together Scouts & Guides from around the world. It happens  every 4 years at the Norfolk Showground.

Praying for all the young people attending that they will have a safe and wonderful experience; that the Faith tent will be busy with young people wanting answers to questions. Praying that these questions will be answered through the sharing of God's Word.

Praying for all the organisers, leaders and volunteers. 🙏🙏🙏
Diana by Diana @
Praying for Holiday Club 2018. August 13 - 17; that the children attending will have fun whilst learning about the God & Jesus of the Bible. Praying for all the leaders and helpers. 🙏🙏🙏
Diana by Diana @
From the intercessions on Sunday 1st July 2018, where we joined with the Eastern Baptist Association in there wave of prayer week. Prayer for our area, for the people of our communities, for our churches and for our country. Prayer which echoes the current cry of " Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be done".

 "We pray Lord for all those in our fellowship who need you close to them right now. Those who have lost loved ones, those who are going through difficult times with poor health, those who are lonely and those are in financial distress. We ask that they may feel your presence.

We thank you for the many blessings we have received. For the answers we have had to prayer, even when the answer is no or wait.

We pray for our town in Stalham and our local communities. we pray that the love of Jesus shines through our lives so that people may see you in us. We pray for the prayer cards that they may bear fruit.

We pray for our nation and those making decisions that can greatly affect the lives of others. We ask Lord that those in power who are Christians are enabled by your power to guide others in decisions made.

We pray for our persecuted brethren in countries throughout the world. We thank you for their courage and their witness for you.

We pray for your church that we may be bound together in Christ and love each other as Christ loved us and left the Holy Spirit to dwell in each one of us so we may carry on the work He began.

Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will be done"
Diana by Diana @
From the intercessions on Sunday 6th May:

"Lord we praise you for your promises of steadfast love, daily mercies, and doing the impossible; for we need all three. Because of your steadfast love for us in Jesus we know we have incomparable peace and because nothing is impossible to you, we can trust you with our hardest situations and our most broken stories.

Father, we are all on different journeys and we thank you that you meet us where we are, just as we are; because you are always running towards us. You don’t let us go, even when we find it difficult to come to you.
This morning we come to you Lord, ready to trust you with failing health, limited finances, big and little decisions, job situations, those in our life who need a Saviour and the many other situations we are facing in our lives.
Every one of us has experienced mountains that are insurmountable. Please keep reminding us that there are times we have to pray and wait and that sometimes God has a bigger plan for us.

Help us to know that God is there and that He will catch us even though we cannot see our way through. He will grant us victory step-by-step as we continue in prayer. His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Make us strong in our faith certain in knowing that we have a big God who is in control".

Diana by Diana @
Sunday 22nd April 2018:

Prayers for our Government:-

We pray for our government Lord; as a nation we seem to lurch from one crisis to another. Every day there are things we read and hear on the news that cause us anxiety. There are things happening in our world that we have no control over; we rely on world leaders to get things right and we very much need our government to be a ‘praying’ government and as a church we pray Lord that you will lead them to bring things before you and you will guide them in their decision making.

Prayers for the persecuted Church:-

We continue to pray for our brothers and sister in Christ who face persecution, who cannot speak your name out loud and who have limited access to the bible. We pray for those who faithfully minister to these people and who continue to preach the gospel in life threatening circumstances. Let them not feel alone and let them know that the worldwide church is praying for them and that You are with them

Prayers for our Community:-

We pray for the community here in Stalham, that people will see you in everything we do; we pray that you give us the love in our hearts for the people and that they will be drawn by that love and want to know more. We pray for the work that Jerry and Simone are doing with the young people and young families. Bless them Lord and be with them in their daily walk; that they may feel your presence. We pray for Ron & Jane and thank you for them Lord and the steadfast work they continue to do. We pray that your church here in Stalham is built up for your Glory.
Diana by Diana @
11th March 2018:
Lord we thank you that you have brought us safely so far to this point in in our lives. We thank you for the past and we are especially thankful for the people who care for us in our infancy and throughout our childhood – remembering particularly today our mothers, our grandmothers, teachers who taught us in school and all those who shaped us into the people we are today; giving thanks especially for those who showed us the way of Christ and helped to plant our footsteps in His.
We thank you for the present; for our families and friends who support us and surround us with their love; for this church family at Stalham Baptist which sustains us in true fellowship. Help us to be supportive of our friends, families and neighbours and be sensitive to their needs.
We pray for the future, certain in the knowledge that you will continue to guide us and guard us throughout all things. Support us through times of ill health, or times of doubt or trouble and let us know the certain promise that you will be with us to the end of the age.
Diana by Diana @
Please pray for Stalham Town Hall Table events; that we may be able to share the gospel with those who stop by our table to have a chat and see what we are giving away. Let us be a beacon Lord in this town so that people may be drawn to your light. The next Town hall Table is on the 31st March
Diana by Diana @
We continue to hold Naomi and Flo in our prayers as they continue Gods work in Reunion Island. Pray specifically for Gods wisdom as they join the pastoral team in the church; leading youth work for the 18-30 yrs. Pray also that God will meet their every need both financially and practically in their day to day living.
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