Sunday Worship 30th September 2018
“The essence of prayer does not consist in asking God for something but in opening our hearts to God, in speaking with Him, and living with Him in perpetual communion. Prayer is continual abandonment to God."
(Sundar Singh ( 1989 - 1929))
We come before you Lord knowing that we are unworthy but that you have made us worthy through your Son Jesus Christ.
We thank you Lord for your goodness and mercy which will surely follow us all the days of our lives. We thank you for the all the Good things that have happened to us this past week and where there has been sadness and pain we thank you for your overshadowing.
We bring before you Lord those who have been on our minds and hearts this week, those we have been praying for on the whatsapp prayer group.
We also pray for our outreach:
For Janet & Elspeth and the prayer cards and the conversations. We pray that seeds will be sown, watered and nurtured.
For the Town Hall Table and the literature that is given away and for the conversations. We pray that seeds will be sown which will bear fruit.
We pray for the Youth group, for the leaders and everyone involved. Lord we ask that you bless this work and that the young people will continue to come and that the good news of the gospel may come alive before them and touch their hearts and minds.
We pray Lord for our children and families who come to the Monday club and the pop up cafe. We remember the words of Jesus who said ‘suffer the little children to come unto me’ and unless we become like little children we will not see the kingdom of heaven.
We pray for the talking Jesus course we are about to do as a church fellowship and pray that those who attend the sessions will be encouraged in their daily walk with Jesus and in sharing the gospel message as we go about our every day work.
We pray Lord for the persecuted church and this month join with Open Doors in praying for India. We turn to your words recorded in Matthew 16:18 “I will build my Church and the gates of hell will not Overcome It”. We hold fast to that promise in the name of Jesus