Week commencing 9th August 2020

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Week commencing 9th August 2020

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Note from our Pastor:

"You may remember a few weeks ago we asked the question
how can we become more an Acts 2:42 church well some are now
beginning to meet in small groups in gardens to fellowship, pray
and talk about God's word together. Something else we can do is
read the scriptures together so we are going to give a reading plan
each week for you to follow if you wish. Starting today the challenge is to
read the 6 chapters of Galatians over the coming week. This letter tells us
something of Paul's own journey, it  describes the true gospel and ends
with implications for our Christian living. As you read ask these questions,
what does Galatians have to say about God, about me, and find one thing
that challenges you to do or to be and perhaps share what you have been learning".

I have placed it here in fellowship discussion to encourage you to feed back on the questions being posed.

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Re: Scripture Reading Plan.

Geoff Reynolds
It is great to have an opportunity to focus together.
Reading Galations again I was reminded God our Father is AMAZING.

God gave laws to help guide His people.
They failed to follow His guidebook and their leaders manipulated the rules to suit them.
So God sent Jesus completely bypassing the laws and made belief in Jesus and acceptance that the cross freed us and made a pathback to the Father.

I am FREE and my challenge is to trust in the cross and walk under the guidence of the Holy Spirit and endeavour to display His fruits daily.
That way I will be following Jesus example as Paul says in Galatians and as he talks about (as we are learning) in 2Corinthians.

Thank you Father.
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Re: Scripture Reading Plan.

Thanks Geoff. You reminded me of John 8:36 " Who the Son sets free is free indeed". In the Greek this can mean to liberate or to exempt from liability. That is powerful. I found this to be a good read.