Week Commencing 7th August 2022

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Week Commencing 7th August 2022

John 5: 39-47 (ERV) Testimonies About Jesus

"You carefully study the Scriptures. You think that they give you eternal life.
These same Scriptures tell about me! But you refuse to come to me to have
that life. I don’t want praise from you or any other human. But I know you—I know
that you have no love for God. I have come from my Father and speak for him,
but you don’t accept me. But when other people come speaking only for
themselves, you accept them. You like to have praise from each other. But you
never try to get the praise that comes from the only God. So how can you

How easy is it as Christians to get locked into bible verses but miss the real
message that Jesus see’s us as disciples challenged to go out with His lamp to
light up the world and bring people to His love?

To help you engage with the passage you can listen to Jerry’s short audio
recording here:- 2022-08-05.mp3