Week Commencing - 5th December 2021

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Week Commencing - 5th December 2021

James 2: 14-26
Faith and Good Works

My brothers and sisters, if a person claims to have faith but does nothing, that faith is worth nothing. Faith like that cannot save anyone. Suppose a brother or sister in Christ comes to
you in need of clothes or something to eat. And you say to them, “God be with you! I hope you stay warm and get plenty to eat,” but you don’t give them the things they need. If you don’t help them, your words are worthless.

It is the same with faith. If it is just faith and nothing more—if it doesn’t do anything—it is dead. But someone might argue, “Some people have faith, and others have good works.” My answer would be that you can’t show me your faith if you don’t do anything. But I will show you my faith by the good I do. You believe there is one God. That’s good, but even the demons believe that! And they shake with fear.

You fool! Faith that does nothing is worth nothing. Do you want me to prove this to you?  Our father Abraham was made right with God by what he did. He offered his son Isaac to God on the altar. So you see that Abraham’s faith and what he did worked together. His faith was made perfect by what he did. This shows the full meaning of the Scriptures that say, “Abraham believed God, and because of this faith he was accepted as one who is right with God.”[e] Abraham was called “God’s friend.” So you see that people are made right with God by what they do. They cannot be made right by faith alone.
Another example is Rahab. She was a prostitute, but she was made right with God by something she did. She helped those who were spying for God’s people. She welcomed them into her home and helped them escape by a different road. A person’s body that does not have a spirit is dead. It is the same with faith—faith that does nothing is dead!

How can SBC continue and grow “Christianity in Action” not just
being content with what we have already achieved? With the
storm economic clouds gathering many people in our community
are going to find things difficult in 2022. Without doubt we can
pray but how can we increase the help to our community making
SBC a hub of support showing Jesus at the centre  and radiating
outwards “Jesus Loves You? “