Week Commencing 29th November 2020

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Week Commencing 29th November 2020

This week we are looking at Revelation 6
How many boxes are ticked by this text by our current
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Re: Week Commencing 29th November 2020

Geoff Reynolds
Revelation 6:
It certainly appears that some boxes are getting ticked but events down the years going back a long way could indicate "beware the end is nigh" as well.
I find reading Revelation tough to get my head around but I think we just need to take the indications as a reminder that our task is to share the Good News where we can always to bring new brothers and sisters on board.
It may be another 2000 of our years before Jesus comes again... but this is God's time and we have to expect it might be tomorrow!
Do you agree?

Praise the Lord we don't know when and pray we might be ready to welcome Him.