Week Commencing - 25th October 2020

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Week Commencing - 25th October 2020

This week we are looking at 1 Peter 2: 13 - 25
How does this fit with the so called democratic times we
live in?

If you wish to comment on what you have read this week please hit reply
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Re: Week Commencing - 25th October 2020

Geoff Reynolds
My thoughts / view:
We can't consider what our "democratic times" suggest when reading this or any scripture. We are given God's direction... so we must live out the "direction" as it fits our lives now considering the Words of God as timeless (outside time?).
Thankfully we are perhaps "employees" rather than slaves but the principles of the "direction" must still apply in the same manner.
[ Sadly for some in our world times are still too similar to the original scripture.]
We should give thanks every day for our lot.
