Week Commencing 23rd August 2020

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Week Commencing 23rd August 2020

The weekly reading plan is the Book Of James.

James was a prominent leader of the early church. He
uses this letter to give us a clear and detailed
explanation as to the true nature of faith. It teaches us
about the consistent behaviour that believers should
embody so that we might be a demonstration of the life
of the Lord Jesus to one another and unbelievers.

It is a short book comprising of 5 chapters but its packed full of challenges for everyday Christian living. We can all surely relate to those challenges. Much food for thought?

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Re: Week Commencing 23rd August 2020

Geoff Reynolds
Always good to read James again!

A "New Way", not "Laws" but solid, simple advice on our walk in life to keep on the straight road and to bring glory to God and to build His kingdom.