Week Commencing 18th September 2022

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Week Commencing 18th September 2022

Galations 2: 11-14 (MSG) Paul Opposes Peter

"Later, when Peter came to Antioch, I had a face-to-face confrontation with him
because he was clearly out of line. Here’s the situation. Earlier, before certain
persons had come from James, Peter regularly ate with the non-Jews. But when that
conservative group came from Jerusalem, he cautiously pulled back and put as much
distance as he could manage between himself and his non-Jewish friends. That’s
how fearful he was of the conservative Jewish clique that’s been pushing the old
system of circumcision. Unfortunately, the rest of the Jews in the Antioch church
joined in that hypocrisy so that even Barnabas was swept along in the charade.
But when I saw that they were not maintaining a steady, straight course according
to the Message, I spoke up to Peter in front of them all: If you, a Jew, live like a non
-Jew when you’re not being observed by the watchdogs from Jerusalem, what right
do you have to require non-Jews to conform to Jewish customs just to make a
favourable impression on your old Jerusalem buddies?”

As Christians how easy would it be to challenge people in our church in some way if
we felt they were creating a schism in the fellowship, or would it just be easier to
walk away and worship in another church

Listen to Jerry’s blog on the passage here: - WhatsApp_Audio_2022-09-17_at_11.m4a