Week Commencing 16th August 2020

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Week Commencing 16th August 2020

Psalms 121 -126

These are some of the Psalms known as 'The songs of Ascent' used by pilgrims making their way to worship in Jerusalem; to encourage themselves and one another. May we encourage one another too.

All thoughts are welcome to be posted.
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Re: Week Commencing 16th August 2020

Geoff Reynolds
Encouraging thoughts....
1) Our help comes from God (Jehovah).
2) Mercy & kindness come from God.
3) The Lord is on our side!
4) If we trust in the Lord evil cannot overcome us.
5) Through Jesus God has done glorious things, if we trust in and follow him, sowing the seeds of Good News, we will reap treasures in Heaven.