Our On-Line Services

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Our On-Line Services

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It's coming up to a year since we started issuing our on-line services. I thought it was time to share a few statistics:

As you know our services consist of a combination of YouTube clips and locally produced material that is delivered from our own web server.

In the period from April 2020 to January 2021, we offered 45 services.
The total download from our servers in that period was 940,480Mb or 20,899.5Mb per service.
The average download required to receive a service is 69Mb which means that on average each service is viewed just short of 303 times.

A slight caution in these figures. A file by file analysis of the downloads has not done. It is possible that some visitors will have returned to a service page to listen to the sermon a second time, so it is possible that the numbers are marginally less than the 300 estimated to have watched each service. Repeatedly watching one of the YouTube clips does not affect the figures.

The top download figure occurred in June at 131Gb, while downloads for each month in the period August-December were below 100Gb. This could suggest that once live worship restrictions were relaxed a little some of our earlier audience were attending live services, or just taking advantage of fine weather. January's figure was back above 110Gb.

If you have been listening to recent sermons you will know that Ron, our pastor, has been asking us to consider how we "do church" once we are beyond the current pandemic restrictions. Should we return to doing exactly what we were doing before when we had an average at our Sunday service a little over 80? Should be continue with an on-line service? What will need to be done differently?

 If you have a view on these issues do not hesitate to call or email Ron or Jerry.
Greg Chapman
Web Site and Forum Administrator